What Are The Benefits Of Coworking?
The first advantage conferred by coworking is that it breaks a lawyer’s isolation when working alone and at home.
The exchanges within this space allow lawyers to mutually enrich each other to create synergies or even associations of skills. This is, for example, the philosophy of Le Dix, located in the 10th arrondissement of Paris.
There can also be interesting exchanges with other entrepreneurs in a space not dedicated to lawyers alone. The second advantage is the saving in travel time, or the organization of these trips (for example, working half a day in third place between two business trips).
Opting to work in “third places” also allows you to work outside your home while not bearing the cost of a traditional office rental. Such a place is very flexible: reserving an office for a day and a year is possible.
The spaces are well equipped with furniture and equipment, have high-speed internet connections, and are often placed in easily accessible places. Lawyers thus have all the tools enabling them to adapt to the needs of their clients.
In coworking spaces or Coworking space in Chicago for example dedicated to lawyers alone, this is the case. For example, in the Law space, lawyers have the security of preserving the ethical obligations of their profession concerning confidentiality and professional secrecy.
For a lawyer embarking on his activity and having a limited clientele, the proximity offered by “coworking” with entrepreneurs allows him to expand his address book. These young entrepreneurs all need a lawyer for advice on launching their projects. Its presence on the premises can only be an asset in developing its clientele.
Finally, being a lawyer requires having a good address to accentuate certain credibility with clients. A domicile in one of the major cities of France makes it possible to fulfill this objective.
The Disadvantages Of Coworking
Using coworking spaces such as 620 North LaSalle Office Spaces for example is only suitable for lawyers who have set up independently. When the firm expands, this space will no longer meet the lawyer’s needs, who will need his premises.
Given the degree of concentration necessary for the lawyer to be productive, the “third place” is not recommended for the professional who needs calm and silence to work. Indeed, this type of place is recommended for people who like to work in a lively place with minimal agitation.
Finally, not all coworking spaces are necessarily suitable for the profession. The lawyer will thus have to find a place to guarantee him respect for professional ethics, particularly in terms of professional secrecy and confidentiality (think of client reception or meetings).
In conclusion, “coworking” seems an exciting alternative to start your activity or occasion. It allows you to have a workspace outside your home at a lower cost, to break isolation, and to be in contact with colleagues or other entrepreneurs.
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